Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Stupid TV (said with a teenage foot stomp)

Right now, there is this perfectly horrible show on pbs called "The truth about cancer" I watched it for nearly an hour and a half, before I decided that this producer/director's "truth" is that we all die. A lot of us from cancer. When I was only about 10 or 20 minutes into this show, I realized I probably wasn't going to learn anything I didn't know from it. Still, I felt compelled to watch it - what if the key to my Mother's cancer (or just some fabulous idea about how to live better with it) is in this show? If I don't watch I might miss it. Its ridiculous, I know. My compromise is to leave the tv on downstairs and then come upstairs to do make this post (and to eat a little cup full of my chocolate yogurt concoction that cures all).

I can't fix cancer, I know that. I also know that isn't my job (thank God for that, eh?).

Since I named this about drinking whatever the waitress brings, I'll point out that we made some lovely progress on our back porch. We now have festive lighting, a flowering plant, and lovely seating for four adults and one greyhound mix. I'm looking forward to warmer weather so that I can enjoy this reclaimed space with the ones I love. If I can get as smart as my mother is about computers and camera's I'll try to take a picture.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be making new friends and knitting shawls and blankets for folks who need them in the process.

1 comment:

Joann said...

You make me really, really glad that I decided against watching that program. I had a feeling it would skim the surface. It's just too complicated of a topic.