Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Inspirations: where we find them

At the fabric store this afternoon I found a piece of fabric that I absolutely love. It may become the inspiration for redecorating the kids playroom (aka dining room). I bought a length of the fabric to bring home and stare at, ponder over, be inspired by . . . I've had tons of ideas, but most of them involve the sewing machine. I called today to find out what it would cost to have it tuned up, so to speak, and was shocked to hear it would cost $69! I think I can buy a new one for $20 bucks more. Or find a great used one in a pawn shop. My sewing skills are minimal, so it is hard for me to justify that much money on a machine. I guess I'll just keep on pondering . . .

My son is having a hard time at school, so we had a parent/teacher conference today. The image he paints for us is a bleak one of damp, dark corners, cold porridge, and dim-witted bullies. I was even contemplating letting him move back to the class he just graduated from. His teacher, however, told us that his troubles are only the typical ones that all new kids experience upon moving up. He is neither a bully nor the kid whose lunch money is stolen daily. She felt like going from being the oldest, most mature child in class to the youngest and most immature child in class is often a hard transition, but certainly far from fatal. So now, we have to enforce better bedtime schedules, make sure he stays well and find a way to inspire him to like school again. Just a few little things . . .

I read an article on CNN today about how average people are making money publishing articles on the internet. Not exactly as professional freelance writers, but as amateurs with poor punctuation. It was actually interesting and thought provoking for me. For a few years now, I've though there might be a way for me to use my English degree along with all the other various and sundry experiences of mine to earn a little money or perhaps just the pleasure of my name in a by-line. I've even written a couple of pieces but have never submitted them to anyone. Perhaps I'll be inspired to try that soon . . .

1 comment:

Joann said...

You can use my sewing machine. I'm not that possessive.