********I very nearly removed this post. It isn't crafty, it isn't happy, it isn't anything a mother aspires to, but I decided to leave it, because I think so many if not most of us, have days like this. And, maybe it helps to know you aren't the only mother feeling this way. If it just leaves you thinking what a horrible mother/woman I am . . . well, I'm willing to take that risk. *********
Today is one of those days that just isn't going the way I want it to, and I can't stop being angry about it. Do you ever have days like that?
I don't know if good parenting skills are inborn, taught or personally developed. Probably some mixture of all three. Some days I do great, I roll with the punches, I make homemade soup and feed 8 more people than I expected, and still get the laundry done. Some days, like today, I feel like I am defeated before I even begin. Like around every corner, or with each next step is a new obstacle. I get angry because the day isn't going like I planned. Angry about things that are completely out of my control.
How can I manage this? How do you? I'm re-reading Buddhism for Mothers. But I need to do something more than read. I need an active way of changing my response to the world. Gotta run, more people to attend to . . .