Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Julia Childs, again

Who would have thought that avacado, tuna, red bell pepper, and lemon could turn out edible? Dang it! -- It was even good! I'll happily eat leftovers tomorrow. I can't believe I liked it. I can't believe I even tried it. Most of all, I can't believe I made it.

Obviously, people can change.

In other news, Julianna is crawling. Only a few paces at a time, but she is crawling. Three teeth now, two on bottom and one on top, but I think the other top tooth should break through very soon. I'll try to get a photo posted soon.

Liam will start a new preschool next week. I hope he likes it.

In other news, I am 1/3 of the way to my fundraising goal for the 3 day.

In other news, I think I have decided to move on career-wise. I just don't know when the big day will be. I'm reading (portions of) the book, Do What You Are, which was recommended to me by a friend. It uses the Myers-Briggs personality types to help you figure out what careers and work environments are typically good for you. So, I'm stewing on that for now. Giving extraordinarily serious thought to being a stay at home mom. Hmmmm . . . Back to the people can change thing.

1 comment:

Joann said...

Are you still an INFP? Just curious.